Comparison of two forms of a coherence sense scale
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How to Cite

Velázquez Jurado, H., Cárdenas Rivera, V., Chávez Franco , A., Oliva Montes de Oca, V., Hernández Salazar , P., & Pulido Rull, M. A. (2023). Comparison of two forms of a coherence sense scale. Revista Intercontinental De Psicología Y Educación, 16(2), 51–70. Retrieved from


The purpose of the present study was to validate and assess the reliability of the sense of coherence sc-29 and sc-13 created by Antonovsky and to compare two formats of this test: a first version translated literally and a second one adapted to linguistic and cultural terms of the population. To accomplish this, the sc was applied to 205 college students from one public and one private university, in its last version (translated andadapted to Mexican population). It was showed in the resulsts that the instrument groups 5 components, which is not similar to Antonovsky’s theory; however, it has content validity since it is based on his theory. Also, a Cronbach’s alpha of .902 was shown. This indicates that the sc can be applied to measure the sense of coherence in Mexican population.

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