Design and validation of a measure of teaching practice for higher education
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teacher evaluation
undergraduate education

How to Cite

Vera Noriega, J. Ángel, Rodríguez Carvajal, C. K. ., Medina Figueroa, F. L. ., & Gerardo Muñoz, L. P. (2023). Design and validation of a measure of teaching practice for higher education. Revista Intercontinental De Psicología Y Educación, 14(2), 165–177. Retrieved from


This study describes the psychometric properties of an instrument for teacher evaluation at undergraduate level, with a methodology of quantitative nature. We found the factor structure of the measure and it was compared to the theoretical proposal through a factor analysis which yielded four factors: a) teaching, b) evaluation, c) planning, and d) Motivation, with a total of 54 questions and an explained variance of 55.53%. Previously, a content validation was conducted, which involved the participation of 20 managers and teachers in the review of the questions with the aim of highlighting omissions, syntactic and semantic errors. The reliability of the instrument was .96, which is considered acceptable.

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