Bullying in public elementary schools in the south of Mexico City
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peer abuse
school violence

How to Cite

García Montañez, M., Coronado Noroña, M. F., & Rodríguez, J. (2018). Bullying in public elementary schools in the south of Mexico City. Revista Intercontinental De Psicología Y Educación, 20(1-2), 153–169. Retrieved from http://psicologiayeducacion.uic.mx/index.php/1/article/view/77


Being the bullying (abuse peer) a present process that generates suffering and psychosocial disorders, especially in schools, through the questionnaire to measure relations abuse and intimidation (Curmic) it was analyzed in 20 primary schools in Mexico City; in 4 885 students between 8 and 11 years. Abuse comes through taunts and insults, beatings and ostracism, in the classroom and in recess. Those who mistreat declare to do so for being caused, to make a joke or for being angry, mimicking what happens at school, in video games, television or their families; they feel guilty, sad, bad or powerful. Who observe abuse, report anger. Teachers lack technics to intervene objectively whenever they do. For students and teachers, it is urgently needed capacity building, both to solve the effects, and to learn timely how to intervene, aiming to prevent.

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