Introduction: Fear of recurrence ( FR )is common in breast cancer survivors, which can impair their quality of life.Fear of recurrence therapy ( FRT ) re- ports efficacy in reducing this condi-tion, but it has not been implemented with patients living in developingcountries. Clinical case: The patient DCV , a 25-year-old woman, reportedconstant thoughts and worries aboutFRT ; moderate anxiety and depressive symptomatology. Method: Pretest- posttest design with 2-month follow-up.FRT , anxious and depressive symp-tomatology were assessed with validand reliable self-report instruments. Results:FRT levels, anxious and de- pressive symptomatology decreased significantly after the intervention.These results were maintained at fol-low-up. Conclusions: TheFRT seems to be adaptable and feasible to meetthe needs of the patient living in adeveloping country and to have short-term effects on the MRC , anxious anddepressive symptomatology