Emotions of insecurity that determine distrust of public authority
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How to Cite

García Lirios, C. . (2023). Emotions of insecurity that determine distrust of public authority. Revista Intercontinental De Psicología Y Educación, 16(2), 171–184. Retrieved from https://psicologiayeducacion.uic.mx/index.php/1/article/view/164


Given that the study of emotions concerning insecurity have established direct significant and positive relationships with the evaluation of crime prevention policies or fighting crime, the objective of this study was to establish relationship between emotional factors and evaluations of law enforcement. For this purpose we used a nonrandom sample of 170 residents of a community. We estimated the reliability and validity of five inventories that measured anxiety, worry,anger and fear in everyday events of insecurity and also distrust to authorities. From a structural model, dependence parameters and residual fit (X2 = 1.0808, 3 gl, p = .613, GFI = .984, AGFI = .921, NFI = .867, RMR = .058, RMSEA =. 090), nine out of eleven hypothesis were accepted which only the relationship between anxiety and anger, as well as fear and distrust were considered spurious, although concern determined to mistrust (β = .26). The results were compared with the findings reported in the literature.

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