Attentional Bias Towards Tobacco Consumption Cues: A Preliminary EyeTracking Study with College Students
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tobacco use
attentional bias
university students
eye movement measurements

How to Cite

Arriaga, C., Téllez, M., Vila, J., Rojas, F., & Jiménez, R. (2022). Attentional Bias Towards Tobacco Consumption Cues: A Preliminary EyeTracking Study with College Students. Revista Intercontinental De Psicología Y Educación, 24(1), 115–136. Retrieved from


The objective of the study was to identify the presence of an attentional bias in young university students who were moderate and light tobacco users, and non-consumers, to visual stimuli related to tobacco consumption. Twenty-four university students participated and were assigned to three groups (moderate smokers, light smokers, and nonsmokers) based on their Fagerström test score.

The experimental task consisted of the random presentation of 15 images related to tobacco consumption and 15 neutral images. During the experiment, the visual fixations of each image were recorded by means of an eye tracker. A statistical analysis showed significant differences between the groups when images related to tobacco use and neutral images were presented.

It is suggested that moderate smokers present an attentional bias towards images related to tobacco consumption.

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