Higher psychological processes and use of the internet
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mediated perception
directed attention
deliberate memory
logical thinking

How to Cite

Sierra Rubio, E. (2023). Higher psychological processes and use of the internet. Revista Intercontinental De Psicología Y Educación, 20(1-2), 221–233. Retrieved from http://psicologiayeducacion.uic.mx/index.php/1/article/view/81


The objective of this article is to analyze the four superior psychological processes proposed by Vygotsky; These are: mediated perception, directed attention, deliberate memory and logical thinking, and relate them to the different uses of the Internet to reflect on their impact on the mental and social development of students. This article summarizes the ideas and results of several authors who have researched and experimented on the effects of the use of the Internet on young people, as well as Vygotsky's theoretical ideas about the psychological development of the human being, making the practical relationship with the teaching experiences of the author at the university level.

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