Teacher styles recognized for promoting participation in the classroom
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teaching styles
educational psychology

How to Cite

Raynaudo, G., & Borgobello, A. (2018). Teacher styles recognized for promoting participation in the classroom. Revista Intercontinental De Psicología Y Educación, 20(1-2), 105–132. Retrieved from http://psicologiayeducacion.uic.mx/index.php/1/article/view/70


Teaching styles are one of the main components present in the educative process relating to a constructivist perspective in the university classroom. The aim of the present study was to compare the interaction and teaching styles of two professors known for promoting participation in class. The study design was exploratory descriptive and transversal. Semi-structured interviews with teachers were realized. In addition, observations of three classes were performed based on pre-accord categories. All interactions were recorded for posterior analysis. The results showed that teachers were the primary class mediators formulating questions, interventions that enable students’ participation. The majority of the interventions made by the students were conceptual. The results are discussed, and some considerations for future research are made.

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