Teacher training and its relationship with learning mathematics in secondary school students
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How to Cite

Egoavil Vera, J. R. (2023). Teacher training and its relationship with learning mathematics in secondary school students. Revista Intercontinental De Psicología Y Educación, 21(1), 121–154. Retrieved from https://psicologiayeducacion.uic.mx/index.php/1/article/view/64


This research paper took place with the purpose of testing and measuring in the educational environment. The concern that secondary teachers from the Mathematics area is to be upda- ted and the academic level achieved in the area of Mathematics by both teachers and students. Due to the nature of this research, the descriptive-explanatory method was followed. The research covered the student body of C. N. Felipe Huaman Poma de Ayala of the secondary level, in Lurigancho-Chosica, and included the teachers that work in the level the area of Mathematics. The research itself is made up of three main parts. Initially, the theorical aspects related to the role of the teacher, the rationale behind the teaching of Mathematics, teacher training, Mathematics didactics, Mathematics updating and teacher training and upkeep programs were developed. At a second point in time a poll was taken amongst the teachers to get to know aspects related to their professional training and its upkeep, as well as an evaluation of specialty knowledge, and the students were asked to answer a mathematics evaluation. Afterwards, results tables were drawn up both for the teachers and the students, to see and compare the results gathered. As a conclusion it was established that teachers with updated knowledge had classrooms with higher average scores, which means that knowledge updating influences student learning significantly.

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