Influence of Mindfulness in health personnel with Professional Burnout Syndrome
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quality of life

How to Cite

García Romero, R., & García Montañez, M. V. (2023). Influence of Mindfulness in health personnel with Professional Burnout Syndrome. Revista Intercontinental De Psicología Y Educación, 21(1), 41–56. Retrieved from


The objective of this study is to know the influence of the program Mindful- ness Based Stress Reduction (mbsr), on the Syndrome of Professional Exhaustion (sap), Stress and the perception of the Quality of Life in professionals of health, nurses basically. The sap (Maslach Burnout Inventory [mbi]) was measured; Stress (Stress Profile of Nowack); the perception of Quality of Life (SF- 36 v1) in 30 people (nurses, administrative and medical) of a psychiatric hospital. The design was pre-experimental, intra-subjects of repeated measures (pre-test and post-test, one month and one year later). The trai- ning was 1 per week, for 9 weeks. The data were analyzed with the Student “t” test for related samples. The results indicated statistically significant differences observing that the mbsr program reduces the sap and signs of stress, in addition to drastically incre- asing the perception of Quality of life thanks to said decrease.

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