The objective of this article is to explain in a synthetic way the complex framework of problematization and the construction of the object of study in the research of Human and Social Sciences, understanding it as the starting
point in the production of knowledge of said sciences. This is an introductory synthesis aimed at students or anyone who is taking their first steps in research, where two core processes of scientific research are addressed without falling into schematisms or manual recipes and, against that
narrow and reductionist vision that considers these synchronous
processes of investigative praxis, a simple moment of topic selection.
The introduction begins with the controversy of science and the importance of knowing the debates that have occurred between natural sciences and human
and social sciences to take an epistemic and methodological
position as a research subject. Then, we talk about the problematization
and construction of the object of study, as well as the guidelines and intellectual implications for its realization, and finally for its reconstruction
as a dialectic of research closely linked to the epistemic position of the researcher.