Psychopedagogical Model Of Well-Being: Mental and Affective Health in Times of COVID-19
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educational psychology
mental health

How to Cite

Jiménez Teuta, C. (2023). Psychopedagogical Model Of Well-Being: Mental and Affective Health in Times of COVID-19. Revista Intercontinental De Psicología Y Educación, 23(1), 77–100. Retrieved from


This study present the psychopedagogical model of well-being as an alternative to thenegative impact on the mental andaffective health of individuals,caused and increased by theCOVID-19 pandemic, using mainlytools based on psychopedagogy.The methodology used in this study was conceptual mapping,based on eight axes of analysis where the psycho-pedagogicalmodel of well- being is developed,based on scientific and theoreticalbases of positive psychology, themodel of psychological well-being, pedagogy, primary prevention, socioformation and affective mentalhealth, was supported by recentresearch on intervention processesand therapeutic support against the psychological impact ofCOVID-19on mental health. As a result, each of the edges in which the approachof this psychopedagogical modelis established and with a currentand innovative perspective focusedon improving and maintainingthe affective mental health ofindividuals, the positive impact ofthe model is evidenced, since it offerseffective responses and transformative for current problems associatedmainly with the crisis in mentaland psychological health associated withCOVID-19. In conclusion, this work reflected the importanceand relevance of establishing andinvestigating strategies that linkdifferent disciplines, generatingresponses and tools that tend toimprove the mental and affectivehealth of individuals, who requireinnovative alternatives applicable tothe needs of the XXI century.

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