Epistemology and basic concepts of the theory of praxis in psychology
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How to Cite

Murueta, M. E. (2023). Epistemology and basic concepts of the theory of praxis in psychology. Revista Intercontinental De Psicología Y Educación, 22(2), 139–154. Retrieved from http://psicologiayeducacion.uic.mx/index.php/1/article/view/31


The theory of praxis is a contempo-rary psychological proposal product ofa dialogue that I have had with someof the most important authors of phi-losophy and psychology. In it, theircontributions are incorporated, but it seeks to process their concepts to givethem new meanings within a coherentand current totality, with a dialogic,antidogmatic and non-dichotomous vocation, which seeks to integrate allthematically or phenomenally relatedexperiences and approaches. Not asan eclecticism, but as a new coher-ence that integrates facets that in pre- vious theories had been conceived inisolation and apparently incompatible with others. One of his contributionsis to propose praxis as a phenomenonand as an object of study, taking upthe historical experience, noting therelevance of signifiers and meanings, which are generated and maintainedto the extent that they are shared andreiterated. The theory of praxis aims to study psychological phenomena (praxi-cal) and professional interventionon them, finding the possibility ofreversing various pathologies through professional and political strategies sothat human beings integrate their col-lective identities into an increasingly powerful realization. personal.

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