Anxiety due to COVID-19: case study of the use of telepsychology in a patient with Cowden Syndrome
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case report
Cowden disease

How to Cite

Bazán Muñoz, J., Rivera Olvera, I. ., Neri, V., & Gálvez Hernández, L. (2020). Anxiety due to COVID-19: case study of the use of telepsychology in a patient with Cowden Syndrome. Revista Intercontinental De Psicología Y Educación, 22(2), 55–82. Retrieved from


 Cancer patients may not be attendinghealth care settings for fear of con-tractingCOVID-19 , which could com- plicate prognosis and increase theirmortality. A 43-year-old woman whounderwent preventive mastectomy was admitted for this cause. In theevaluation, she presented severe anx-ious symptomatology and high levelof emotional distress. Method: N = 1design, the patient’s symptomatol-ogy was evaluated with instruments validated in Mexican population. Acognitive behavioral intervention was implemented remotely, and the non-overlapping index of all pairs and theobjective clinical change were cal-culated to know its efficacy. Results: After the intervention, a clinically significant decrease in anxious symptomatology and emotional distress was found ( OCC = 0.89; 0.66) NAP = (0.93; 0.86). Conclusions: Dis-tant delivery of cognitive behavioralintervention can be an alternative to provide psychological therapy and en-courage compliance with oncologicaltreatment in a pandemic context.

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